Tuesday, November 23, 2010


 Looks like there were some recent bombings on the South from the North recently. I cant say for sure when cause I always get my news late.

Smoke billow from Yeonpyeong island near the ...Looks like South Korea was running some rutine military drills and North said, hey, your way to close to the border. So the south shot a few artillery shells into the ocean to show they werent messing around and the North started bombing the hell out of a small island town for about an hour. Luckily they had shelters and only 2 marines were killed so far from what ive heard but many injured.

A TV grab shows the moment of impact of one of ...Sadly though the war in Korea could get started again anytime now since it never actually ended because they never signed a peace treaty. So we have tens of thousands of troops still in korea, adding up to like 2 million troops from both South Korea and us there. And we are promising to stand by South Korea even tho China is backing the North.

A South Korean woman reads a newspaper reporting ...I also have to say that i could be completely wrong about this information cause the news likes to twist thing and i know the Koreas have been doing stuff like that for a long time. I should also state that you are getting this information from a Blog, Not the news.

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