Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sexism and Racism

Some things that really grind my gears are sexism and racism.

Why do women always have to yell about how horrible men are and how they are pigs? Today I heard a woman say "Stop sexism!" then not even a minute later say "All men are pigs!" I think its time a man sued a woman for sexist acts or conduct.
While I'm on the topic of sexes, as a man, I do not enjoy women talking about all the men they did over the weekend while working. I don't want to hear about how many male organs they had in their bodies while I'm trying to pay for groceries.
So you all know for the future this is a form of sexual harassment. (All i said also applies towards homosexual conversations)

Now for racism.
I hate it when African Americans, Mexicans, and such refer to each other with racial slang in public. I hate how they think that's okay to do in public. Sure they say them to each other but i don't want to hear it.
Also so you all know for the future, this is a form of racism and I can sue for it should i feel the need.
Alongside racism, its why white people are having hard work finding jobs. They say its against the law for employers to not hire you for your race but this isn't true. i have seen may an occasion where a white person was passed up for a job even tho they had much higher credentials and a better resume for a person in one case could not even read and dropped out of high school and my best bet it was because they were colored and the company needed the "diversity."

Sorry if I have offended any of you with this post but to be honest, I don't care. I'm just expressing my opinion on how how men and white people are being oppressed and judged because of how they were born. I believe in equality because woman and men are equal in brain power and all colors mean nothing unless you work hard to make it mean something.

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