Thursday, October 28, 2010


Para mi, college has just been an extension of high school. Girls still passing anonymous notes through guys to tell other guys they like them and act like they are hurt when they find out the guy isnt in the mood to date. So even tho its anonymous the girl gives that guy the cold shoulder and calls him names. I seriously thought that these childish games would end after high school.

Another point being that people are paying for these courses, yet they still posses the urge to ditch them because they are borring. Its not ditching, its just wasting money people. I sersiously heard a girl say "I hope I dont get a detention for ditching so much" the other day. No she didnt get a detention, but yes she did get dropped from the course for missing so much. She still shows up and the proffessor keeps telling her but she thinks its still high school.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rain, Lightning, And Thunder! O My!

And today it rained! In the land of fallen angels, where the ocean meets the sand, there was rain, there was lightning, and there was terrifying thunder.

I truly enjoyed this gift we were blessed with today, and  i know we all needed it. My only regret is the lack of some one special to spend this glorious day with. Today was certainly a day to spend by the fire sipping cocoa with that special someone. Just wish i could have.

We have counted 22 lightning strikes today so far. That is 22 times i missed the chance to feel a woman jump into my arms and hide from the scary thunder.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Student Senate

Today we voted. Fortunately i won co-chair, but the person I ran against was not as happy as I was. She then preceded to state that all the people who voted for me should lose their ability to vote and re-voted and I lost by one vote. Why do people see the need to stack the odds in their favor for unfair reasons? My voters where senators before hand but where rejected because they "favored" me. Don't worry tho, I'm having another re-vote on the grounds that she broke the rules of the student constitution and rules of assembly. Should be fun.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This is Jesus

I would never imagine causing harm to another being on this planet yet it would seem most seek to hurt me.
I shall cleanse the world with my amazing powers of love, and sadly, they are not that amazing. In fact everyone has this power and its simplest form is the smile. A simple smile has the power to lift up the lowliest person and give them the little nudge they need to live on or continue doing what needs to be done to better their lives and the lives of other. This smile, unfamiliar as it is, also has the power to spread like a disease, this is because the person smiling is usually lifted up as well and chances are everyone you smile at, will smile at someone else. this is the exponential growth of the smile.

My next amazing power, is the hug, which is the same as the smile, but harder to get starter, and harder to spread, but far more powerful. I believe you know the rest of the powers i posses, as they get stronger and harder to use. I talk about these because i want all you readers to go out and use these powers we all posses.

No War Is Civil

Why do people hate each other? Why is there a constant need to be better than everyone else is every way possible? The other day i witnessed something truly horrific. I saw two young, African American boys assault some homeless men with garbage. What would posses such young children to such a horrific thing? I know not a one of us can say that we have not been there or have been close to being homeless yet we raise our children to commit acts such as this against the less fortunate?

Beyond this, why must we be in constant war with each other? Competition is good, competition is growth, but war is lethal. Why is it allowed to bully and control the lives of others based on the words we post on the internet, say on television? Why do people believe everything they read or see instead of researching them themselves before they go to war and ruin the lives of other people they only think they know based on the biased opinions of people on the telivision and posts on the web?

Saturday, October 2, 2010



Sleep seems to escape me lately. Everything seems to want to catch on fire and people only care about growing higher in the game of life we call politics. Some will say "I am not in politics," and I shall reply, "you never left." Others joined committees only to help good ideas die. Why do people give their ideas to the scrutiny of other before going out and getting done what will make them happy? It is no sin to have fun, only to do so in a way that will bring harm upon your body or the bodies and minds of others. People today need to stop being afraid of growth and change and move on towards the better lives they deserve.

So i joined a student senate the other day at a local community college. Everything brought before us was shot down with out a second thought. A good brother came home late from a ghastly party and preceded to catch his house on fire by spilling his underage beer on a computer at 4:00 in the morn. He is fine and so is his house in the hope he will learn from his mistake and grow from it. We can only pray :]