Thursday, October 28, 2010


Para mi, college has just been an extension of high school. Girls still passing anonymous notes through guys to tell other guys they like them and act like they are hurt when they find out the guy isnt in the mood to date. So even tho its anonymous the girl gives that guy the cold shoulder and calls him names. I seriously thought that these childish games would end after high school.

Another point being that people are paying for these courses, yet they still posses the urge to ditch them because they are borring. Its not ditching, its just wasting money people. I sersiously heard a girl say "I hope I dont get a detention for ditching so much" the other day. No she didnt get a detention, but yes she did get dropped from the course for missing so much. She still shows up and the proffessor keeps telling her but she thinks its still high school.

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