Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This is Jesus

I would never imagine causing harm to another being on this planet yet it would seem most seek to hurt me.
I shall cleanse the world with my amazing powers of love, and sadly, they are not that amazing. In fact everyone has this power and its simplest form is the smile. A simple smile has the power to lift up the lowliest person and give them the little nudge they need to live on or continue doing what needs to be done to better their lives and the lives of other. This smile, unfamiliar as it is, also has the power to spread like a disease, this is because the person smiling is usually lifted up as well and chances are everyone you smile at, will smile at someone else. this is the exponential growth of the smile.

My next amazing power, is the hug, which is the same as the smile, but harder to get starter, and harder to spread, but far more powerful. I believe you know the rest of the powers i posses, as they get stronger and harder to use. I talk about these because i want all you readers to go out and use these powers we all posses.

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