Tuesday, October 5, 2010

No War Is Civil

Why do people hate each other? Why is there a constant need to be better than everyone else is every way possible? The other day i witnessed something truly horrific. I saw two young, African American boys assault some homeless men with garbage. What would posses such young children to such a horrific thing? I know not a one of us can say that we have not been there or have been close to being homeless yet we raise our children to commit acts such as this against the less fortunate?

Beyond this, why must we be in constant war with each other? Competition is good, competition is growth, but war is lethal. Why is it allowed to bully and control the lives of others based on the words we post on the internet, say on television? Why do people believe everything they read or see instead of researching them themselves before they go to war and ruin the lives of other people they only think they know based on the biased opinions of people on the telivision and posts on the web?

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