Saturday, October 2, 2010



Sleep seems to escape me lately. Everything seems to want to catch on fire and people only care about growing higher in the game of life we call politics. Some will say "I am not in politics," and I shall reply, "you never left." Others joined committees only to help good ideas die. Why do people give their ideas to the scrutiny of other before going out and getting done what will make them happy? It is no sin to have fun, only to do so in a way that will bring harm upon your body or the bodies and minds of others. People today need to stop being afraid of growth and change and move on towards the better lives they deserve.

So i joined a student senate the other day at a local community college. Everything brought before us was shot down with out a second thought. A good brother came home late from a ghastly party and preceded to catch his house on fire by spilling his underage beer on a computer at 4:00 in the morn. He is fine and so is his house in the hope he will learn from his mistake and grow from it. We can only pray :]

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